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Car Insurance

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Car Insurance

Imagine everything that can happen behind the wheel

Have you ever thought about what would happen if your car gets damaged? Or if the windshield breaks? Or if it's stolen? Or in case of a tire puncture?

To safeguard yourself from these and other situations, get the Protec - car insurance from Ageas Seguros that puts your protection first.

Available in 5 packs with different levels of coverage, which you can customize according to your needs.

We highlight the renewed VIP Travel Assistance with more protection, the option of glass breakage coverage limits, and the possibility to choose a coverage limit between €5,000 and €50,000 for Occupant protection in all packs, except for the Simply.


Discover the benefits of Protec car insurance:

Replacement vehicle

If your vehicle breaks down, the Normal Travel Assistance coverage provides a replacement vehicle for up to 3 days

Tire insurance

We guarantee assistance in case of a flat tire or tire blowout, as well as the costs of repair or replacement

Specific coverage for eletric vehicles

In Liability, Theft or Robbery, and Travel Assistance coverage (except for the Simply pack)

Secure three-year solution

For vehicles up to 5 years old, we guarantee their value for 3 years. In the event of total loss during this period, compensation is calculated according to the value of the vehicle at the date of subscription

Young clients incentive

If you are under 25 years old and have had the insurance with us for more than two years without accidents, we will refund you the age-based surcharge

Algumas das Opções Disponíveis

Pack 1

  • Mandatory Liability Coverage
  • Travel Assistance
  • Legal Protection
  • Occupant Protection
  • Glass Breakage

Pack Comfort

  • Everything in Pack 1
  • Collision, Crash or Rollover
  • Theft or Robbery
  • Fire, Lightning, or Explosion
  • Natural Phenomena (optional)
  • Secure three-year solution (optional)
  • Social Risks (optional)
  • Rental Car (optional)

How does our Travel Assistance work?

You can choose between two Travel Assistance options in case of an accident or breakdown: Normal or VIP. The Normal option can be included in any of the packs, but if you prefer more comprehensive assistance, choose VIP Travel Assistance.

New Travel Assistance App

Ageas Seguros now has an app that allows you to quickly and intuitively request travel assistance in case of breakdowns and other assistance services.

Make your travel assistance request digitally. Click here.

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