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Exemption from the Car Insurance Seal

As of July 11, 2023, the most recent changes related to the automobile "insurance seal" in Portugal officially came into force. After publication in the Official Gazette, the new rules come into full effect, marking a significant change in drivers' obligations in relation to this sign.

One of the most notable changes is the elimination of the need to affix the car insurance label to the vehicle windshield. According to the changes introduced in the legislation, the obligation to display this sign no longer exists. This change is reflected in the second modification to Decree-Law no. 291/2007, of 21 August, which established the compulsory motor vehicle civil liability insurance system regime, and which had already been previously amended by Decree-Law no. 153/ 2008, August 6. In addition to the exemption from the insurance seal, other changes are also highlighted. Documents that were previously mandatory in physical format, such as the traditional "green card" (which replaced the previously green card and which is now white), can now be presented in digital format. The new legislation emphasizes that documents issued electronically have the same legal validity as paper documents, and, according to the publication in the Diário da República, they replace paper insurance certificates.

This series of changes originated in a Bill presented by the Liberal Initiative (IL) party, which was approved on May 12th. After approval by the President of the Republic and its subsequent publication in the Diário da República, the new rules are finally ready to be implemented from tomorrow, July 11th.

The motivation behind these changes, according to the Liberal Initiative's presentation, is associated with a context where the aim is to alleviate unnecessary financial burdens on citizens. In this sense, the imposition of considerable fines for simply forgetting a physical document that contains information already available to the authorities is considered disproportionate and unjustified.

Therefore, with the entry into force of these changes, drivers in Portugal will now be free from the obligation to affix the insurance seal to the windshield of their vehicles, and can also choose to present the associated documents in digital format, without fear of any penalty.

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Total Loss of a Vehicle

In times of accident, the feared total loss of the vehicle can become a reality for many drivers. In this article, we explore in detail what this situation entails and when to Checks.
While it is common to expect insurance companies to cover the repair costs of our automobile in the event of an accident, there are notable exceptions. These exceptions occur when the vehicle is considered a "total loss".
In accordance with the guidelines established by the Insurance and Funds Supervision Authority Pensions, a total loss situation is declared in the following circumstances:

  • When the vehicle is completely destroyed or disappears;
  • When the damage suffered by the vehicle is irreparable or, due to its nature, compromises safety;
  • In vehicles less than two years old, when the estimated cost to repair the damage, added to the value of the vehicle in its post-accident state (i.e., the salvage value), exceeds 100% of its pre-accident value (market value );
  • In vehicles over two years old, when the estimated cost to repair the damage, added to the value of the vehicle in its post-accident state, exceeds 120% of the value at which the vehicle could be replaced before the accident.

Goodbye to the Car, Welcome to Compensation

When a total loss is declared following an accident, the owner is entitled to receive compensation. This compensation is calculated taking into account the market value of the vehicle (i.e., the purchase value before the accident) and the salvage value (the value of the vehicle after the accident).
If the owner chooses to retain the injured vehicle (for example, to use parts), the value The sales price will be adjusted depending on the value of the salvage. If the driver has his own damage insurance with total loss coverage, the compensation will be determined in accordance with what is stipulated in the contract.

Deadlines and Information

Compensation for total loss must be paid within eight business days of determining the responsibility for the accident and after presenting all necessary documents.
In addition to meeting these deadlines, insurers are also required to disclose information such as the entity responsible for evaluating the repairability of the vehicle, as well as its viability. They must also provide details of the vehicle's value before the accident and a estimate of its value after the accident.

Possibility of Objection

It is important to highlight that there is the possibility of contesting the compensation amounts in the event of of total loss.According to the law, the accident victim has the right to compensation. However, this obligation does not apply if the insurer can prove that the cost of repair is excessively high. In other words, the exception occurs when the value of the repair added to the value of the salvage exceeds the replacement value of the vehicle by 20%.

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Driving License Renewals Prior to 2008

New decree-law allows you to renew an invalid driving license, dated before January 1, 2008, without having to take an exam.
If a driver with a license issued prior to January 1, 2008 failed to meet the stipulated deadline for renewing it, he or she would have to take a new test. Now it will stop being like that.
The Government changed the rules and, therefore, for all those who have a driving license issued before January 1, 2008, they will be able to renew and revalidate it more easily.
The entry into force of Decree-Law no. 63/2023 of July 31st, “creates an extraordinary and temporary regime for regularizing the validity of driving licenses”. This extraordinary regime, informs the Government statement, will last one year after the entry into force of the diploma, that is, until August 1, 2024.

Why did the rules change?

There are still many drivers with driving licenses that are valid until the age of 65, but due to subsequent legislative changes (revalidation at age 50 and 60), they are no longer valid.
This extraordinary regime thus aims to regularize all outstanding situations regarding the validity of driving licenses.

Who is covered?

The new rules apply to titles issued before January 1, 2008, whose validity periods of the respective physical documents do not correspond to the legally established and current period.
The driving licenses covered entitle you to drive vehicles in categories AM, A1, A2, A, B1, B, BE and agricultural vehicles.

Does this rule only apply to the first revalidation?

Yes. If your driving license was issued before January 1, 2008 and you have not made any changes to the document (revalidation, change of elements, or issuance of a duplicate), you are covered by this rule.
If you made changes to your driving license after January 1, 2008, its validity has been automatically updated.

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Average Speed Radars: What are they and where are they found?

A new approach to speed cameras

Average speed radars, already a common presence on Spanish roads, are now gradually appearing on Portuguese roads and motorways. About a year ago, the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR) announced the obtaining of 10 of these radars, which will be implemented in 20 possible locations.
Unlike conventional radars that measure instantaneous speed, these average speed radars will be identified by specific signs, namely traffic sign H42. Unlike traditional radars, these systems do not emit radio or laser signals, making them undetectable by radar detection devices.

More a stopwatch than a radar

Despite the name "radars", these systems operate more like stopwatches equipped with cameras, measuring average speed indirectly. In areas with average speed cameras, one or more cameras capture vehicle registration numbers at the beginning of a segment, recording the precise time of passage.
At the end of the segment, more cameras identify the license plate again and record the departure time. Subsequently, a computer processes the data and calculates whether the vehicle covered the distance between the cameras in less time than the minimum necessary to comply with the speed limit in that area. If this occurs, the driver is considered to have exceeded the permitted speed.
For a better understanding, an example: in a monitored segment of 4 km with a maximum limit of 90 km/h, the minimum time to cover the distance is 160 seconds (2 minutes and 40 seconds), which is equivalent to a precise average speed of 90 km/h between the two control points. If a vehicle covers this distance in less than 160 seconds between points, this will indicate that the average speed was greater than 90 km/h, exceeding the speed limit. It is important to note that average speed cameras do not have a margin of error, as they measure the time between two points (from which the average speed is calculated), therefore, any excess is punishable.

Can't fool them

Due to their method of operation, average speed cameras are typically difficult to avoid. They are often installed on sections without junctions or exits, forcing all drivers to pass through both control points. Trying to stop to save time is, in fact, counterproductive: if you are already traveling at excessive speed and stop to avoid the radar, the time advantage gained is nullified. Furthermore, these speed cameras are located in segments where stopping is prohibited or extremely difficult.

The new Radar locations

The 10 average speed radars initially announced by ANSR will soon be put into operation in 20 possible locations.
After a period of testing that began a few months ago, ANSR confirmed that these radars will come into operation during the summer. When activated, they will be clearly identified by the new H42 traffic sign.

Where will these radars be?

Average speed cameras will be located in the following locations:

  • Beja: IC1;
  • Coimbra: A1 e EN109;
  • Évora: A6 e IP2;
  • Lisboa: A9, EN10, EN6-7 e IC19;
  • Porto: A3;
  • Santarém: A1;
  • Setúbal: EN10, EN378, EN4 e IC1.

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